Economic Analysis for Health Policy
Course organisers: Dr Fern Terris-Prestholt and Dr Andreia Santos
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
(1) Use the economic concepts of information, agency and incentives to analyse alternative ways of financing and organising health systems
(2) Analyse the nature and operation of markets (for health services and for key health service inputs such as human resources), and understand the policy implications of different market structures, including the role and functioning of regulation and contracting for health services
(3) Apply the tools of equity analysis (benefit incidence analysis and measurement of equity) to analyse the distribution of resources in the health sector
(4) Explain the need for rationing in the health sector, and analyse different rationing mechanisms in terms of their implications for equity and efficiency
More information is available in the Economic Analysis for Health Policy Course Outline [PDF].
Testimonies by module participants:
“Very comprehensive and useful in policy analysis/work. Reading materials were comprehensive and the outline of the course was effective in delivering key messages. Overall the lectures were easy to understand and thought provoking. I enjoyed the seminars! Especially the group work and situational analysis aspect of it.” – student
“Well presented with excellent materials. Enhanced my understanding of economic concepts in health.” – student
“Very relevant information, great reading material and I really enjoyed the theme and breadth and depth covered in both high/middle/low income countries. Materials were not overwhelming and very comprehensive. Exceeded my expectations!” – student